10 month agoPolice activity in St. Louis Park, 3601 Phillips Parkway.No official info, but a source claims it's related to "4 kids arrested and sounds like they were linked to multiple stolen cars.
South Minneapolis - Report of shots fired, now a SHOOTING at the Metro Transit bus stop.Chicago and E Franklin Ave (problem area) Police arrived and found spent casings in the bus shelter.Person shot was found in Peavey Park
SE Minneapolis / Marcy Holmes - Reports of 6-10 shots heard. 4xx Main St SE 2xx 8th Ave SE
NE Minneapolis - At least two reports of about 8 shots heard near 36th and Architect Ave NE (west of Central)
North Minneapolis - Shotspotter activation indicating a moving shooter (drive by).22xx N 6th St
North Minneapolis - Report of a garage fire possibly intentionally set by a suspect with a gas can who fled the scene in a dark SUV.23xx Logan Ave N
South Minneapolis - Robbery of person Suspect: BM, gray shirt, shorts 24th and Nicollet Ave
Business robbery suspect: BM, 6ft, bald, tan mask, black hoodie, dark pants. 54th and Lyndale Ave S
South Minneapolis - Business robbery. Suspect BM took the till.54th St and Lyndale Ave S
Blaine - A red Challenger, no front plate, that fled from police just crashed.Two detained so far.Area of 85th and Airport Rd
Downtown Minneapolis - Report of auto theft in progress Suspect: WM, wearing all black 15th and Nicollet Ave
South Minneapolis - STABBING during a robbery.Police trying to find the original scene and checking with Metro Transit for camera footage.Near E Franklin and Hiawatha
South Minneapolis - vehicle vs pole. Police now requesting a traffic investigator and Crime Lab. E Franklin and Elliot Ave
NE Minneapolis - Robbery of person at knife point.27th and Jefferson St NE Suspects fled on foot on 27th Ave NE
North Minneapolis - Crash with entrapment.Olson Memorial Hwy and Morgan Ave N 21:09
South Minneapolis - 911 caller fired shots at an assault suspect but thinks he missed. The suspect, BM with braids, had a BBQ grill and walked toward an encampment. 29xx Columbus Ave S
Fridley - Shots fired.5701 Central Ave NE / Moore Lake Apts Suspect: BM, wearing all black12:02Police arrived, suspect at gunpoint and prone on the ground. Now in custody. Police still checking to see if anyone is shot
South Minneapolis - Rollover crash with possible extrication needed.EM Stately and Cedar Ave, near Little Earth Black Kia Soul Red Tahoe fled the scene
Downtown Minneapolis - Sound of shots near 5th and Hennepin Ave.Suspect: BF, 30s,puffy coatPolice on site, detained the suspect and recovered a casing and a gun near 5th and Nicollet Mall near the Metro Transit LRT platform 23:19Nasty cat blanket
SE Minneapolis - About 9 a.m., stolen white Kia, EXE1-, occupied by 2 BM in ski masks and a juvenile in the back. Previously involved in a Bloomington pursuit. 7xx 5th St SE
North Minneapolis - 823 a.m., crash at Dowling and N 4th St. IA plate. Police requested 5 EMS rigs. Traffic investigator was requested
North Minneapolis - Robbery of business at gunpoint. 30xx Penn Ave N, dollar storeSuspects: two BF, left in a white Chevy SUV
North Minneapolis - two Shotspotter activations, one was 20 rounds, full auto.24th and Logan Ave N
The Tesla from the Blaisdell south Minneapolis shooting was found unoccupied at 29xx Cedar Ave.However, a female has approached police saying she's the owner of the vehicle
Submitted from West St. Paul - Report of 4-5 shots heard just before 11 p.m. near Smith and Annapolis
South Minneapolis - SHOOTING. Police arrived, one person is shot in the head. 28th and Blaisdell Ave @MplsWard10 Chughtai(two people were shot in the same area last night, and we told you it was a problem area)
NE Minneapolis - Police report hearing about 10 shots coming from the area of Lowry and Monroe St NE.
South Minneapolis - STABBING. Report of two people stabbed.34xx Cedar Ave S Suspect: no shirtPolice arrived, the suspect is fleeing on foot north on Cedar. Now detained
SE Minneapolis / Dinkytown UMN - Police report a group of Somalis who are posturing to fight outside Frank and Andrea's.4th St and 13th Ave SE
South Minneapolis - Shotspotter activation.28xx 14th Ave S, this is the location of the peaceful healing encampment