SAINT PAUL: Haz Mat - St. Thomas University - Fire crews are investigating after five people developed coughing and respiratory distress inside a residence hall. A contractor was reportedly working on refrigerators near the kitchen at the time.
Report of a female who was assaulted by three suspects known to her at 15xx Nicollet Ave. Police arrived and are trying to determine if there was also a kidnapping of the victim's 3 y/o child by 3 suspects in a 2017 gray Jeep Grand Cherokee, 636WVW.nMplsDowntownn00:32
1 year agoSubmitted. Fight between 4-5 at Plums bar in St. Paul occurred before 11 p.m., verified on dispatch audio. Suspect: WM, multiple tats and piercings fled the area 480 Snelling Ave S
Minnetonka police investigating death, suspect arrested. The Minnetonka Police Department arrested a 39-year old man early this morning, July 19, after discovering a person dead inside a home. Officers responded to a 911 call from the residence, in the 5000 block of Holiday
Report of one stabbed during an armed robbery. 18xx-19xx EM Stately 23:49 Police arrived, found the victim. Clearing EMS to the scene
1 year agoFatal crash near Broadway and Washington Ave N about 7:30 p.m. involving a reported stolen vehicle. The driver was reported to have fled on foot.
Report of a shot fired by a WM in a black jacket near 15th and Lasalle Ave. The suspect may have run onto the freeway, I-94.n23:02
1 year agoMPD confirms a fatal two-vehicle crash on the north side earlier tonight. A suspect involved was behind the wheel of a stolen Hyundai and fled on foot after the crash around 7:30 p.m. near Washington Ave. N. and 22nd Ave. N. nnThe other driver, a man in his 40s
Coon Rapids PD has two at gunpoint in a high-risk felony stop. There's a gun in the road. Initially reported as a group of 5 ages 17-20 in a fight and holding one person down. One reported to have a gun. Near Jay St NW and 122nd Lane 14:22
Robbery of person at gunpoint. Loss: Phone and $10,000 cash 29xx 17th Ave S (off Lake St) 13:03
Negotiator and 40mm operator requested to 21st and E Lake St for a Somali F waving around a knife. 11:15
Before 8 a.m., a DOA was found outside the Crosstown Market. 57th and 34th Ave S
Shotspotter activation 11 rounds. Second activation for another 11 rounds. 11xx 21st Ave / Fremont
PURSUIT of robbery suspects. Cedar and Lake St, northbound Two vehicles, one is a black pick-upnOccupied by 4-5 BM juveniles. 00:19
Carjacking at gunpoint.nFour suspects Loss: black Camry 31xx 37th Ave S 00:15
About 10:30 p.m., a resident reported shots fired near 21xx Bryant Ave S. Dispatch audio confirms a report of shots fired in the area. A second report of shots was dispatched about 10:44 p.m
Robbery of person. 39xx 29th Ave S 4-5 suspects got out of a vehicle and assaulted the victim and took a purse. Suspects in a white SUVn20:24
Robbery of person. Loss: AirPods 4th St SE and 7th Ave SE 02:02
Police report more shots fired near the 1st Precinct in MplsDowntown. Shots now reported east of the Main Library. More shots at 3rd and Hennepin.
Police are looking for a suspect who fired shots at someone.nBM, yellow top, now being taken into custody behind the 1st Precinct. 4th and Hennepin Ave
Report of a shooting. 25th and Girard Ave S 01:30 Police arrived. EMS declaring a DOA on scene
Report of a male breaking car windows and headlights. 15th and Oak Grove LoringPark
Shotspotter activation 20 rounds. 5th and Knox Ave N Also a report of shots at Harrison Park. 22:58
Robbery of person at gunpoint. 26xx Cedar Ave. Suspect: BM, 30, glasses 22:50 Carjacking at gunpoint. 18xx 2nd Ave S 22:27
Responders on site of a building fire next to the UMN rec sports field. 6xx 25th Ave SE Reported flames showing on a 1.5 story brick abandoned building.
1 year agoCrews are responding to a fire in a townhome complex in the 7000 block of Quantrelle Ave NE. - Officers are reporting heavy smoke and fire on arrival. Initial reports indicated that there may still be people inside, but all residents are now accounted for.
1 year agoA man is dead after a single-vehicle crash around 2 a.m. near Hiawatha Ave. and E. 26th St., Minneapolis police say. The man was a passenger in the vehicle, which was found crashed into a pole. The female driver had non-life-threatening injuries and is suspected of driving
Crash at 26th and Hiawatha, possibly multiple injuries. Responders arrived, requesting a rig for extrication. 02:04
Police report a fight in front of the Gay 90s. Taser and mace deployed
E Lake shots fired. Security said they were shot at.nOccurred at 15xx E Lake St Police arrived and found casings. Suspect: BM, black hoodie, 5ft9-6ft, 19-20, skinny, black ski mask, jeans