11 March 2025
Foot pursuit of a suspect who fled from a vehicle during a stop. Plate EMY61*nSuspect in custody at 12xx Newton Ave N. BM, dreads, wearing all blue. One remained in the vehicle.n21:08
SAINT PAUL: Shooting - 17xx Case Ave. E. - 911 caller's son was just shot in the hand by a known male suspect who fled. The shooting reportedly occurred outside in a red Chrysler van. Officers are on scene with the male victim, around 22 years old
FRIDLEY:  Traffic cam video captured this crash on northbound Highway 65 at 73rd Ave. - A northbound vehicle can be seen drifting into the left turn lane, where it collides with a vehicle that was stopped to make a left turn.  Two people are reported to be injured, but those… Show more1 year ago
FRIDLEY: Traffic cam video captured this crash on northbound Highway 65 at 73rd Ave. - A northbound vehicle can be seen drifting into the left turn lane, where it collides with a vehicle that was stopped to make a left turn. Two people are reported to be injured, but those… Show more
Before 6 a.m., a person said they were injured trying to stop a carjacking. Police arrived and requested EMS. Suspect: Hispanic M, 20s, curly hair, in a black BMW, 5CB510, front end damage. nNow wanted in connection to 2nd degree assault. n37xx Edmund Blvd
EDEN PRAIRIE: Emergency Landing - Eden Prairie Firefighters are looking for a plane that made an emergency landing. The airport tower has contact with the pilot who say's he landed safely in a field about a mile west of the airport, but the exact location is unknown
Police report there's a large party behind 38th and Chicago Ave where a loud party complaint was made.nn[We've received messages and there have been several dispatches over the last few months of an after hours club at the location with some questionable activity].
Shooting, report of one shot in the stomach. 39xx Lyndale Ave N 23:18 Police found a bloody footprint and signs of forced entry. Blood everywhere. Clearing EMS to the scene.: Apparently no victim yet
Shooting, report of one shot in the head. 2910 Pillsbury Ave, Karmel Mall 22:31nPolice arrived. Someone is on the roof screaming that someone is shot.nFinally found the victim
SAINT PAUL: Light Rail vs. car crash reported at University Ave. W. and Hampden Ave. - Officers on scene report the male driver of the vehicle is conscious and breathing but appears disoriented. Squads are blocking westbound traffic at Vandalia St
Fire crews on a 3rd alarm at a 3-story residential university housing located on the 1000 block of University Ave SE. Fire crews have several lines laid and aerial ladder water towers working to extinguish fire. All residents are reported out of the building
Report of vehicle vs wall at 7xx N 1st St. MplsDowntown
Police report shots fired in front of Augie's in MplsDowntown. Still shooting at each other. Shooter in white t-shirt, red shorts and red shoes, 6ft2, gun in right hand.
Another person arrived at the ER with an apparent gunshot wound that may be related to the initial incident. It's unclear the extent of their injury. Officers are interviewing witnesses at the scene
AUSTIN: SHOOTING near 2nd Ave. NE.and Main St. N., outside The Bakery Lounge - Officers on scene around 12:45 a.m. reported finding one victim who was shot in the shoulder and in the leg.
Report of a male firing an automatic gun toward a residence at 29xx Newton Ave N. The male ran southbound
HASTINGS: Officers dispatched around 9:35 p.m. after the driver of a blue Ford Fusion reportedly fired a gunshot at a grey Subaru in the parking lot of Walmart, 1752 N. Frontage Rd. - There were no injuries reported and both vehicles left the scene
Report of 9 shots heard from the neighbor's house after a dispute over a stolen tricycle. 4xx 30th Ave N 23:23
Police just detained a possible suspect in this shooting. 3xx 19th Ave S, Cedar Riverside 22:09 delayed
Rollover crash needing extrication. 5xx Bryant Ave N
ROSEMOUNT: Structure fire at Taco John's, 15085 Canada Ave. W. - Reportedly started by employees playing with firework outside. Firefighters said they found a small blaze on the lower part of the west wall of the business. The fire sounds to have been quickly knocked down
Inital report of a shooting (not a shooting). 36th and Penn Ave N 00:14 Police out with a Native F on the ground who is NOT shot
Report of a sexual assault that occurred at Bossen Field park. 5701 28th Ave S
COLUMBIA HEIGHTS: Officers have a perimeter set and are searching with K9 after a report of an assault and robbery on the 4500 block of Taylor St. NE. - Two people were reportedly assaulted by a male suspect who fled with cash, southbound on Taylor St
Police report a large group lighting off fireworks on the MplsDowntown side of the Stone Arch Bridge
Homicide suspect spotted by police at 12th and E Lake St (aka drug dealer central). BM, dreads, white t-shirt, white wrap around his head, shorts, carrying a pink bag 14:55 delayedn-now by the bus stopn-in custody n-police searching for a gun
MINNEAPOLIS: MPD officer in plainclothes spotted a male suspect wanted in relation to a homicide, on foot near E. Lake St. and 12th Ave. S. - Suspect described as a black male with dreads, wearing a white shirt around his head and carrying a pink bag. Suspect crossed Lake St
1 year ago
The Minnetonka Fire Department responded to a report of a house fire on the 14400 block of McGinty Road West shortly after 4:20 a.m. and found a home on fire
Report of a Hispanic M hitting vehicles with a metal bar. W Lake St and Emerson Ave S
Near 6th and Main St SE, Stone Arch Bridge area. The people in this car were yelling at the person filming to stop recording and not to record the plate
Police report a large group moving down 6th Ave SE [from Main] toward University Ave SE and they're launching fireworks