5 March 2025
2 year ago
A driver fleeing from officers went into a corn field near 55th Ave. NE & 75th St. NE. and then fled on foot. - The pursuit was initiated for driving conduct and a rear tail light out. A drone and K9 have been requested as officers search the area
Police just found a gun at 29xx 12th Ave S, requesting more squads for two males who walked away from the area and may be involved
. Report of a structure fire. 725 44th Ave N., recycling facility. Started in the parking lot but blew into the building. 22:30 -MFD arrived, small amount of smoldering inside the building. Knocking it down
MINNEAPOLIS: Robbery of person at gunpoint report - 38xx 18th Ave. S. - A 911 caller reports their neighbor was just robbed at gunpoint. The suspects fled in a black SUV with no plates northbound, possibly related to a previous robbery of person report
Person with a knife threatening passersby and scratching vehicles. 9th St and 25th Ave S Suspect: WM, skinny, black shirt gray jeans
The suspects in the black VW SUV are still on a rampage. No plates. Attempted robbery of person at gunpoint. 43xx 12th Ave S 20:54
Large fight at the Metro Transit LRT station. 429 Park Ave MplsDowntown 20:46
SAINT PAUL: At least one occupant fled from a vehicle after a crash on the 300 block of Lafond Ave. - Officers now have one at gunpoint on the 600 block of Galtier St. after a foot pursuit. The vehicle had been reported being driven recklessly in the area
BROOKLYN PARK: Report of shooting - 71xx Zane Ave. N. - Officers and EMS are en route to a report of a shooting with a male victim around 14 who was said to be shot in the back
. Male with a gun near Marshall and Broadway St NE. Police see him headed toward the Broadway bridge. Wearing all blue on a bike. He was previously waving a gun behind a building
Robbery of delivery driver at gunpoint. 32xx 18th Ave S Three BM suspects fled on foot. Are 15 to 18. 19:10 p.m
Multiple reports of shots fired near 19th and Chicago Ave. 19:49 -Gunshot victim just showed up at HCMC
Brooklyn Park police report a shooting this morning about 9:50 a.m. near 79xx Zane Ave N. A 22-year-old male was outside and was shot by an unknown suspect. The victim is expected to recover. No suspect info provided
. Report of a person trying to carjack people. E 29th St and 11th Ave S 13:22 -Police in the area see him and said he appears high on some narcotic and dancing around
. Police just got flagged down on a robbery of person at gunpoint. E Franklin Ave and Bloomington Ave. Loss: wallet Suspect: BM in a black car 11:24
Carjacking at gunpoint. 15th Ave S and E Franklin Ave. Loss: gray/silver Ford 500 sedan
Police report a stolen vehicle with Colorado plates northbound on 35W going 100 mph, just passing Lake St
Report of 3 shots fired at 9xx Penn Ave N
Downtown, Hennepin Ave, a vehicle previously taken in a 1st degree burglary (occupied dwelling) just fled from police. Last near 13th Harmon. Wrong way on Hawthorne. No pursuit. No plates, occupied by two
Report of two people trying to remove a manhole cover with a crowbar. 2nd St N and 17th Ave N
Police fighting with one at 15xx Como Ave SE. One now in custody. Requesting a supervisor to the scene. Also EMS. Originally dispatched as an "unknown cell phone call
Multiple cars on fire behind 19xx Hennepin Ave
St. Louis Park - there's been a large police response to West End Theater, possibly for a fight.
Carjacking of a Door Dash driver. 8xx Gertrude Brown Pl. Six male suspects. Loss: gray Chevy sedan 21:57
. Report of a WF with a shotgun chasing a male near 4th St N and W Broadway Ave. #BroadwayLyndale Shotspotter activation. Male reported down. Developing. 17:40 -Police arrived. No victim. Witness said it was an accidental discharge [of a shotgun in the middle of the cityno_mouth]
. A 16-year-old gunshot victim just showed up at North Memorial. Said they were shot last night at Folwell Park about 9 p.m. There was a Shotspotter activation in that area about 9:13 p.m. Saturday
. About 3 a.m., a pedestrian was struck by a vehicle in a hit and run near E 28th St and 16th/Bloomington Ave S. Suspect vehicle: red sedan left a debris trail behind eastbound. Silver rim on front, black on back. Apparently the crash was captured on traffic video
Robbery of person and the victim was punched. 39th and Clinton Ave
Robbery of person at gunpoint BSAW gas. 12th and Washington Ave S 02:16 Also theft of a phone at the Gay 90s. Suspects: 10 BM (this is a thing, if you didn't know) Police getting flagged down on another phone theft
Shotspotter x5 rounds. 47xx Humboldt Ave N 01:42