14 March 2025
One person shot at another vehicle near County Road 30 and Garland Lane on Sunday afternoon, police said. Officers found a man with gunshot wounds in a car off the road near Interstate 94 and Maple Grove Parkway. He was taken to a hospital, where he died
According to police, a man was shot near Selby Avenue and Dale Street North around 9 p.m
Officials believe an altercation between two motorists in Maple Grove left one man dead after police found him shot in his car off I-94 near Maple Grove Parkway-KARE 11
A shooting in Maple Grove left one man dead after police found him wounded in his car off I-94 near Maple Grove Parkway-KARE 11
EDINA: The driver of a stolen vehicle flipped after a pursuit in the 7200 block of York Ave. S. - Richfield officers were in pursuit westbound I-494, then northbound Hwy. 100. - Officers had terminated pursuit but later found it on its side. Driver now in custody after running
Officers have the male suspect now in custody after he reportedly tried to break into a residence in the area. They're still looking for the woman who fled from the vehicle
Robbery of person. Victim said she had something held to her head and items taken. 25xx Lyndale Ave S Squad 521 22:06
SAINT PAUL: SHOOTING - 62x Selby Ave. - Shots reported in the alley and a 911 caller says a male is shot in the chest. Officers are on scene with a victim, have cleared medics in and requested crime scene tape. Described as a "load and go," for EMS.
Carjacking and assault of a delivery driver at WaHu apts. 1016 Washington Ave SE Loss: silver Pruis, partial plate 405 20:46
SAINT PAUL: Driver of a stolen vehicle fled from squads, last seen eastbound on Fuller Ave. from Lexington - vehicle is a 2007 silver Cadillac CTS, plate GSV-442
MINNEAPOLIS: Assault report, possible stabbing - near 3rd Ave. NE. & Monroe St. NE. - Officers on scene have cleared medics in. The victim says it happened about an hour ago
MINNEAPOLIS: Fight at Mortimer's, 2001 Lyndale Ave. S. - EMS/Rescue started for one victim reportedly unconscious
Police on site of a car full of bullet holes. Requesting Car 21 (crime lab). NEMPLS 4xx Wilson St. 19:44 -Originally dispatched as a shooting, but no one was in the vehicle, although police said they were with a "victim," no injuries
MINNEAPOLIS: Assault, female victim reportedly pistol-whipped near 61x Lowry Ave. N. - Suspect vehicle is a white Malibu, last seen northbound on Lyndale
Pursuit coming into Blaine/Fridley southbound on University Ave NE, now west on 85th. Vehicle previously fled from Bloomington police. Tan 2012 Malibu. Now the squad crashed with another vehicle near 85th and suspect has fled
Shotspotter activation x22 rounds. 22xx 3rd St N, near the freeway sound barrier
Hotrodders in Dinkytown. 13th Ave SE and 4th St SE
Shotspotter activation and multiple 911 callers heard shots
The victim was possibly dumped out of a vehicle. Police were questioning whether it might be related to the shots (we just posted) at 24th and Oakland. Not confirmed yet
SHOOTING. Male victim laying in front of the house. 29xx 14th Ave S 00:34 -Police arrived, victim is in the street. -Gunshot to the head, EMS Code 3. -Shutting down Lake St and 29th -"He needs to go right away
This was 24th and Oakland Ave. Police found casings at 24th and Portland Ave
2 year ago
WHITE BEAR LAKE: Report of stabbing - 38xx Effress Rd. - Reportedly started as a domestic assault. Officers on scene outside reported several still fighting and have at least one detained now. - The victim reportedly has a "large cut the neck" and medics are cleared in
Assault on a pregnant female. 54xx 44th Ave S
2 year ago
BURNSVILLE: Officers dispatched on a report of a man causing a disturbance near Travelers Trail & Portland Ave. - Officers now on scene report a man is shouting, is armed with a handgun and had pointed it to his head. - Less-lethal requested and surrounding streets being blocked
Robbery of person. Suspect shoved the victim and grabbed their cell phone then drove off. 29xx Lyndale Ave S Squad 531 22:12
2 year ago
OAKDALE: Robbery of business report - Burlington, 8323 3rd St. N. - Firearm possibly involved; suspect described as a male wearing a green sweatshirt, armed with a black 9mm, who fled in a silver sedan, possibly a four-door Acura, with an infant reportedly inside
Report of assault. 911 caller said a group of twelve attacked the caller and their mother. 33xx Emerson Ave N
It was a stolen vehicle that came out of Columbia Heights. CHPD lost it around 37th and Central Ave NE and it was dispatched to MPD
SAINT PAUL: Officers flagged down for a report of an "EDP" or emotionally disturbed person on the 500 block of Snelling Ave. N., inside a restaurant. - A male was reported to be damaging things inside. - Male now in custody and the restaurant was evacuated. Medics cleared in
MINNEAPOLIS: Report of stabbing - An apparent stabbing victim walked in to Fire Station 16, 1600 Glenwood Ave. - No suspect information as of yet; officers dispatched