Both men were pronounced dead by medics on scene. Police are withholding the identities of the victims, pending family notification.
Police say that witnesses tell them that a motorcyclist was Westbound on Warner when he struck a man walking down the center of the road
@sppdmn tells us two men are dead following a collision between a motorcycle and a pedestrian along Warner Road, late Wednesday Night
SAINT PAUL: Officers near Sherburne Ave. & Avon St. N. spotted a parked white Toyota Sienna with ND plate 079-CZD, reported stolen out of Fargo. - The driver of the vehicle was seen sleeping behind the wheel. Officers eventually approached the vehicle and now have two detained
Shotspotter x8 rounds. 29xx Bryant Ave N 23:38
2 year ago@sppdmn investigating a fatal crash along Warner Road, below Mounds Park. Warner is closed from Sibley to Hwy. 10/61. We are awaiting further details from police.
Vehicle vs pole. MFD arrived and said 300 ft of power line is down. Requesting Xcel. E 58th St and 28th Ave S
COTTAGE GROVE: Officers were in a short pursuit of a "dump truck" after a driving complaint. The driver ended up in a ditch south of the Walmart, then fled on foot. Officers launched a drone, have a perimeter in the area and are searching for the suspect
Report of boat theft just now. 35xx Buchanan St NE Squad 222 223 23:08
911 caller hears a grinder. Possible catalytic converter theft. 45xx Bryant Ave S 22:50
Sound of shots, possible automatic. 36xx Lyndale Ave N. Also a Shotspotter at 31xx Emerson Ave N
Fire/EMS were cleared from the scene without transporting the 2nd man, indicating he also was deceased. Official info hasn't yet been released. Westbound traffic on Warner from Hwy. 61 is closed as of now
Medics reported one of the injured was deceased at the scene as of 10:25 p.m. - No update yet on the 2nd person injured. - Officers are diverting traffic in the area
SAINT PAUL: A motorcyclist reportedly struck a pedestrian near Warner Rd. & Childs Rd. - Officers reporting one male was unconscious, not breathing and CPR was underway at the scene. The driver was down and unconscious, but reportedly breathing as of 10:20 p.m
. Rowdy crowd at 9th and Nicollet Mall. Stemming from a fight. Reported by a Metro Transit bus driver. Police now on site
2 year agoTwo pedestrians - an adult and young child - are in critical condition after they were struck by a vehicle near the intersection of Larpenteur Ave. and Galtier St. around 8:30pm. The driver remained on scene and is cooperating with investigators
SAINT PAUL: A driver reportedly struck two pedestrians near Galtier St. & Larpenteur Ave., on the border with Roseville. - Officers are reporting two people injured and still on the ground: an infant and an adult male. The driver stayed at the scene of the crash
2 year agoPolice are on site and requesting Animal Control for a dog that's been left in the attic of a vacant house. 33xx Buchanan St NE 911 caller said people from an encampment have been breaking in
One threatening to jump from a building in MplsDowntown. Responders are blocking roads. 733 Marquette Ave 18:18
. A suspect just fled from police in Blaine after 2nd degree assault on police. An officer has a minor injury. Fled from 117th & Central Ave NE in a red Acura. Police not pursuing, they said they know who he is. Suspect: WM, black hoodie, red hat, gray shorts
Car fire a short time ago on southbound Highway 77 in Eagan. Emergency crews got it out and have just cleared the scene
911 caller witnessed a robbery of a female. Two BM, 12-15, took a wallet from the woman. One in a bright red hoodie, other in a tan with black pants. 46th and Nicollet 12:28 -Police now on site with the victim. d to a wallet snatch at Caribou. A set of keys was attached
. Deleted, misheard, the Shotspotter at 30th and Thomas Ave N was only 5 rounds. Police recovered casings
. Shotspotter x45 rounds detected. no_mouth 30th and Thomas Ave N 11:25 Police arrived, recovering casings in the road
Crews extinguished a mattress fire on second the floor. Crews overhauled and found no fire extension. All searches completed and clear. Looks like no one home
Casings at 4th and Marquette. Victim has a GSW to the stomach
Suspect: Short, light skin M, braids partially blonde, tats on neck, white/blue/yellow top, jeans
Shooting victim just showed up at HCMC
MINNEAPOLIS: SHOOTING - 25xx 17th Ave. S. - Officers are now on scene with the victim, reporting he has a gunshot wound to the ankle. EMS cleared in. No suspect information given
Shooting, one shot in the ankle. 25xx 17th Ave S