12 March 2025
Brooklyn Park had a double shooting Saturday before 6 p.m. at 62xx Boone Ave N in a biz parking lot. The victims were transported by ambulance to hospitals with non-life threating injuries. The suspects fled in a vehicle prior to officers' arrival. The investigation is ongoing
An MPD squad was just rear ended on E Lake St and Hiawatha Ave. EMS requested
Brooklyn Center is in pursuit of a silver GMC Yukon near 56th and Emerson Ave N, travelling 100 mph
. The Medical Examiner has identified the shooting homicide victim from Thursday night at 18th and Sheridan Ave N. Ernell Lamar Hooks, 41, of Columbia Heights died of a gunshot wound to the left arm
. The Medical Examiner has identified the decedent in the early Saturday morning shooting homicide at 15th and Nicollet. Hassan Abu Mohamed, 31, of Minneapolis died of a gunshot wound to the head
Domestic stabbing. 12 year old says both their parents have knives snd are trying to stab each other. 52nd and Vincent Ave N 00:04
Two Shotspotter activations, one of them was 7 rounds. 17xx Russell Ave N 23:24
Police heard 3 shots. Now a Shotspotter activation in the same area. Police say a male is running thru yards. 26th and Irving Ave N 23:31
Robbery of person, weapon implied. Franklin and Chicago Ave Squad 311 21:50
Elan luxury apartments, juveniles throwing furniture in the pool. 28th and Emerson Ave S 21:47
A female was swinging a broom at another person and struck a child instead. 500 15th St E 20:32
1 Killed, 1 Injured In Minneapolis Shooting
Police in Brooklyn Park are investigating a double shooting at a barbershop near the intersection of 63rd Ave N and Boone Ave N. A 67-year-old man and 38-year-old woman were shot - they are expected to survive. Police do not believe they were the intended targets
Crews checking second floor for possible fire extension. Crews removing boards from windows on second floor
The shooting happened at Eastridge Mall west of Charlotte. Police on scene say three people - two men and one woman - were shot and taken to the hospital with minor injuries
MINNEAPOLIS: SHOOTING - outside Nicollet Diner, 1428 Nicollet Ave. - Officers are on scene after multiple 911 callers reported gunfire. They've found a gunshot wound victim unresponsive inside a vehicle nearby. - Another GSW victim who just arrived at HCMC may be related
. Police say the victim is a Somali male. Police looking for scene at 18 W 15th St. HCMC gunshot victim is related to 15th and Nicollet. Gun recovered from vehicle at HCMC. Casings at Lasalle near 15th St
Report of a shooting at the Nicollet Diner, in a black Escalade. 15th and Nicollet Ave. Preceded by a report of shots. 03:22 Police arrived. Victim not breathing. Requesting supervisor. EMS code 3
Police said the shooting happened after an attempted robbery near 5th & Nicollet at the light rail tracks. The suspect, described as a black male wearing a light grey coat or sweater, shot the victim once in the leg as he ran away
HIBBING — FIrefighters from Hibbing, Chisholm, Keewatin, and Virginia were dispatched around 6:30 p.m. Thursday to a report of a structure fire at the Red Rudy Apartments in the 400 block of 16th Street East in Hibbing
Report of an injury crash at 11th and Marquette Ave
MINNEAPOLIS: SHOOTING - near 5th St. & Nicollet Ave. - Officers are now on scene after gunfire was heard in the area. They reported one victim was found shot in the leg and with an arterial bleed. A tourniquet was applied at the scene
SOUTH OF LAKEVILLE: Officers were following a driver who had fled earlier in the evening, unknown other wants, southbound on I-35 from Hennepin County. - Stopsticks deployed near Deuce Rd. & Pillsbury Ave. around 1:10 a.m., and the vehicle became disabled
Victim at 5th and Nicollet. Shot in the leg, arterial bleed. Suspect: BM, light skin, fled
. Report of shots fired at 5th and Hennepin Ave. Camera operator said a group of BM, late teens, wearing all black fired shots and ran southbound. One in white camo. Running around the Twins stadium. Police looking for them. Five at gunpoint on the 2nd floor of Lifetime
Shotspotter activation x11 rounds. 44xx Lyndale Ave N 00:58
. Police are updating that this was an attempted robbery at the train station at 5th and Nicollet. Victim was shot by the person in the gray jacket/hoodie. Victim was said a group came upon him and demanded his stuff. He was shot when he ran away
Officers used a PIT maneuver to disable the vehicle on the 6300 block of Brooklyn Blvd., outside the Sun Foods in BC, and took 3 adult male suspects into custody. They also recovered 4 firearms from inside the vehicle. - Victim was taken to the hospital for injuries
Brooklyn Park police said the victim was pistol-whipped by one of the suspects during a carjacking on the 7600 block of Jolly Ln. - Officers found the vehicle on the 5800 block of 73rd Ave. N. and engaged pursuit
Police detained three suspects and recovered four firearms outside the Brooklyn Center Sun Foods around 8 p.m. after an armed carjacking in Brooklyn Park and ensuing vehicle pursuit.